At Wellers Hill we value opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Extra-curricular
activities present opportunities for our students to develop interests in others areas that are not directly related to academic
achievement. By doing this our students are able to pursue a strength or
passion that they would not otherwise be able to access. Examples of extra-curricular
activities (but not limited to) are choir, soroban, garden club, dance, technologies, volleyball.
To do this sustainably throughout the year, student numbers for extra-curricular activities must be consistent and considered. Therefore, extra-curricular activities must consist of;
- a minimum of 25 students in Prep to 2
- a minimum of 28 students in Years 3-6
Each year extra-curricular activities on offer may change depending on teacher expertise and availabliity. All extra-curricular
activities on offer will be advertised to families via our online newsletter, ePublisher and to students whilst they are at school.