Swim school
The Wellers Hill State School P&C Association offers seasonal swimming lessons for all skill levels for the benefit of students.
You can register online by visiting Wellers Hill Water Ratz website.
Email: swimschool@wellershillpandc.com.au
Swimming club
The Wellers Hill State School amateur swimming club (WHSS ASC) has been running since 1964. A Sub-committee of the P&C runs the club for the benefit of all Wellers Hill State School students as well as adults and children from the local community.
You can register online by visiting Wellers Hill Water Ratz website.
The WHSS ASC has an active Friday night club through the swimming season where all our swimmers are encouraged to compete against their own times and against each other.
Our swimmers also compete regularly during the season with other School clubs and within the Brisbane swimming association (BSA) Meets and Swimming Queensland (SQ) meets.
Email: wellersratzswimclub@wellershillpandc.com.au